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Woah mama

wat da dog doin


its should banned...


get out of here minor you're not welcome

I can't find the buncar model in game, anywhere. 


Can These Models Be Ported To SRB2?

Srb2? Nope, these are completely different games... Its a shame, because these would look awesome as playable characters.

it is only me or lucy has broken textures?

its a shame she's my favorite

(2 edits)

Anyone having trouble, this works for me.
Make sure they're all directly in the addons folder.
They can't be one folder deep or they won't load. All the folders separately placed in the addons folder.

I don't have Half-Life 2 or Source, and every character except Lucy(the snake lady) works without many errors.



What does it mean to extract and then place the folders into g-mod addons folder?

you put them in Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons

I follow the instructions but the models still won't show (which sucks) If anyone knows how to fix this problem I would much appreciate it. I have half life 2 installed.


Inexplicably, Cain is cockless.

A lot of them are bugged, no textures, and errors. How to fix this?


Do you think you can make a peinis toggle for the stoner rat??

Can pls someone tell me how i can make the ragdools nude too and where the ragdools are?

if any of the models dont work (like for me) than its probably because you dont have cs:s or hl2 (like me)

i came

they got penises manolo

thas not a answer

workshop rules say you cant put any nsfw shit in workshop

But you can put nsfw games in steam


Rules say you can, the only condition is censoring the screenshots

can you put in steam workshop?

how i put this in a legit gmod


how do i put it in gmod

i followed the "tutorial" you put and its still not workin


did you find a fix?

(1 edit)


have you found a solution?



Could you also port these to blender and SFM?

Oh goodness, thicc MC wolf. lol


aight soop. dearest soop. yoos is the only ones i can trust with the task since you're the only one in this town makin this stuffs.
this mod? top teir. ace. positividly splendificus. and the only one of its kind.
now. here's where the problem arises, see.
there's no big booty bug type pokemans here.
so there's no scolipede slappinin that can be happinin.
ya pickin up what i'm puttin down, slim?
now, if we could get ourselves that sweet and wonderful carapace clappin, now i think that would put this city in a much better place. raise the spirits a little.
now, i'm aware, the process will take time were it to begin, and i myself am a very patient person. i'm aware bringing glory back to this city sounds like a daunting task. but by god if anyone can do it, i know you can, sooperman!
for the city, soop. we're counting on you.

(this comment is not to be taken too seriously. absolutely splendid mod, and thank you for being one of far too few to make one like this. (but scolipede would be pretty sick not gonna ngl lie to ya))


hmmmm maybe. also thanky

bro thats a song ngl

(1 edit)

I downloaded them and only 4 of them work in the spawnmenu while the rest only show a ERROR and wont spawn them. Does anyone know how to fix?


Do you have Counter Strike source, half life 2 and its episodes that is usually the problem when it comes to missing textures and models

Thanks for sharing


i got some missing textures for some of the modells. any idea how to fix it?

so you gotta get the lucy and soups model from the workshop

i think i got both of them

Can you send a link? Thanks!

Now this, this is awesome

finally, some good fucking gmod playermodels
